Basic Security Advice

April 28, 2017

Here's a video I found online that might help you stay more secure...

It can be concluded as :

  • You are an important part of the security plan and need to think and act as such.
  • Keep you operating system, browser, anti virus and other software updated, automatically if possible.
  • Be aware of scams that may come via pop-ups, emails or even phone calls.
  • Treat your data with respect and keep it private.
  • Double check any websites that offer you great deals, as often those great deals are just scams.
  • Make sure any website you are supplying financial data to is secure (https).
  • Make your passwords complex, unique and private.
    Backup your data.

The only aspect I disagree on is that they mention there are plenty of free options for anti virus software and while that is true, I don't think the free options really make the grade any more.

Have a watch, make some notes and see if you can improve your security!

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